Grammar Lesson Subject Verb Agreement

Grammar Lesson: Subject-Verb Agreement

One of the most important rules in English grammar is subject-verb agreement. This rule states that the subject of a sentence must agree in number with its verb. In simpler terms, if the subject is singular, its verb must also be singular. If the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural.

Why is subject-verb agreement important? Proper agreement ensures that your writing is clear and easy to understand. It also shows that you have a good grasp of the English language. Incorrect subject-verb agreement can lead to confusion, misunderstandings, and mistakes.

Here are some examples of subject-verb agreement:

Singular Subject + Singular Verb

– The dog barks loudly.

– The teacher lectures for hours.

Plural Subject + Plural Verb

– The dogs bark loudly.

– The teachers lecture for hours.

Singular Subject + Plural Verb

– The dog and cat play together.

– The singer and dancer perform brilliantly.

Compound Subject + Singular Verb

– Bread and butter is my favorite breakfast.

– My brother and best friend is coming over tonight.

Note that in the last example, subject-verb agreement can be tricky when it comes to compound subjects. In this case, the verb agrees with the subject closest to it. In the example, ”brother” is singular, so the verb ”is” is also singular.

It`s important to remember that subject-verb agreement is not just limited to simple sentences. It also applies to more complex ones, such as those with prepositional phrases, clauses, and modifiers.

Prepositional Phrase

– The boy with the red hat plays basketball.

– The girl in the blue dress sings beautifully.


– The book that is on the table belongs to me.

– The movie that we watched last night was entertaining.


– The car, with its shiny red paint, speeds down the highway.

– The teacher, tired from grading papers, goes home early.

In each of these examples, the subject and verb still need to agree in number despite the presence of other words or phrases in the sentence.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of English grammar that should not be overlooked. It helps to ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and effective. By following this rule, you can avoid common mistakes and produce high-quality content that your readers will appreciate.



