Agreement Which Can Be Enforced by Law Is Called as

Agreement which can be enforced by law is called as ”legally binding”

When two or more parties come to an agreement, it is important to ensure that the agreement is legally binding. This means that the parties involved are obligated to follow through on the terms of the agreement, and that if they fail to do so, they can be held legally accountable.

An agreement that is legally binding must meet certain criteria. First and foremost, the agreement must be entered into willingly and voluntarily by all parties involved. This means that there should be no coercion or duress involved in the negotiation or signing of the agreement.

The terms of the agreement must also be clear and specific. This means that all parties involved should have a clear understanding of what is expected of them and what they are agreeing to. The agreement should also be in writing, signed by all parties, and witnessed by a third party if necessary.

Once an agreement is legally binding, it carries the force of law. This means that if one party fails to meet their obligations under the agreement, the other parties have legal recourse to seek damages or other remedies. For example, if a contract stipulates that one party will pay the other party for services rendered, and the first party fails to pay, the second party can take legal action to recover the owed funds.

It is important to note that not all agreements are legally binding. For example, a verbal agreement between friends over dinner may not be legally binding. Additionally, agreements that violate the law or public policy may not be enforceable.

Overall, ensuring that an agreement is legally binding is important to protect the interests of all parties involved. It provides a clear framework for the terms and obligations of the agreement, and can help prevent disputes or misunderstandings down the line.



